A full length video of a 3D logo being created in Photoshop. There is no sound or voice instruction, but the entire video is directed with captions below. Enjoy
3D Encide Logo Tutorial (PSD Included!)
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Any questions regarding this tutorial? Don’t hesitate to comment
Best tutorial ever.
Here’s mine :
Done a few month ago
Thank you for this incredible tutorial ! =)
Thanks guys :). Druss, thats an incredible remake, nicely done
Perfect Just perfect…helped me a lot in my logo design!! thx a lot
Hhmm. Great outcome although Im struggling duplicating and making it look 3d. When you duplicate they go below each other making it look good and 3d. What do I need to do to make them do that?
Well to duplicate the layer, make a separate layer below the top layer. Then make it a bit darker. Hold the ALT key and press down on the directional arrows and the layer will duplicate over and over again. Do this until you have a desired height, then merge all the duplicated layers together to make your base. Hope that helps a bit
how to make the copies of layer look smoth move down
i’ve try alt + down arrow but the copies of the layer place to far so we can se some space between one layer to another layer..
thank you..
I’am sory my english bad..
Im trying to make a Q btw
Thanks, that helped a bit. But I simply can’t do a logo like you’ve done yours. Do you think you could do a Q for me? Use the colours Blue, Red and Yellow? It would really help thanks. And save it as a png? That way I can kinda look at what you’ve done
Woo dude thats some nice stuff
owyaeh happy new year
i’m gonna try it
Yeah cool tutorial!
The only problem is, that im german ^^
Is there the same tut in german?
**comment translated using Google Translator**
Tut mir leid, ich habe nicht dieses Tutorial in Deutsch: P Aber wenn man sich das Video, das Sie sollten in der Lage sein, worauf es ankommt. Der einzige Teil, den Sie wirklich brauchen, zu wissen, aus dem Text ist es, ATL, und drücken Sie auf die Richtungs-Tasten, um den 3D-Effekt auf Ihre Form
No chance you could do this for me Axe?
Do you think you could do a Q for me? Using the colours Blue, Red and Yellow? It would really help! And save it as a png? That way I can kinda look at what you’ve done
Thanks again
Brother Hood
@Brother Hood:
I cannot do a custom logo for free as I have paying clients. I did however upload the PSD I created during this video. You can find it at the bottom of the post above. I hope that helps you a bit more
the psd link is dead can you upload it again pls
Sorry about that guys, the PSD file should be working now
at the vector “e” youve cutted the top part out when make the picturesize smaller xD
lol, that happens when I resized it for presentation. I can’t recover that part but it really isn’t a vital part of the design. Just make your own shape and follow the steps
Right, ok, thanks
i made my own but i cant make it shiny like yours =(
Hi Axe!
Very shiny and glossy!
very realistic man!
just a perfect master piece!
I tryed to go on the website yoy mentioned “encide.net” but the access is private!I’d like have a invit to join your community! It’ll be just a plaisir for me! I’ve got things to share!
Thnks Axe!
it says “sorry video is not available” ***why me lord :(***
someone really care to hear ?
i can´t see nothing on this video
Very cool ^_^
Wow!!! That’s fantastic!
Yeah, definitely the logo is sexy! hehe!
This tutorial is amazing
The BEST !
I’ll use some technics on my logo .. You are fantastic !
Thanks again
plz all u do doesnt work for me :s::s:s:s:s
u dont explain what to do etc..
its very hard for us to follow and do what u do,
plz can u make a logo with the letter M in it? same shape plz
Nice work, thank you, but 3 minutes to choose an ‘e’… This is a tutorial, not a test…move it along.
Very Nice,
what is that theme you’re using, its quite nice
this is a Good one!
Normally I don
Very Nice Tutorial…100 * for that…..Can anyone invite me for encide.net >?…:)
Mine is pixelising when I put the 3D effet using free transform tool. What have I done wrong? :S
ehh… thank you )
I have removed this idea
Hi! I like your srticle and I would like very much to read some more information on this issue. Will you post some more?
Hey guys, could someone do this for me, for free?:$
I need it for a background of my clan!
Plz mail me if you can, I’ll send you our logo!
Kind regards The Almighty eSports Team!
very nice!…but what if the client wants a vector logo?…how would the smudges etc be done??
Hello, very nice tutorial! I am entering a 99designs.com contest and I was wondering if I could use your tutorial? The problem is the company I am designing for has an “E” at the beginning of the company name and If I made them it with this tutorial It would look the same. Is that ok? Do I have permission to do that?
Please reply ASAP,
hh… really like it
Dude you got some awesome skills there must say!
Great style too.
Amazing Tutorial…
Thanks for this, I’ll try it tomorrow
Kewl, dude i can RE-make this for my company’s logo, hehehe .. Thank you very much dude, oOoo yeah i’d just subscribe.. Hoping new tutorials like this, thank you very much dude you’re awesome!!!!
Thank you!!!!
i think this very nice logo i really like 3d kind of logo or other stuff
Good tutorial but sad to say
I downloaded the tutorial from rapidshare it was nearly 96 mb then extracted. It said you want Advanced_Photoshop_30_CD.part5.rar
Why this
what a shame
Please indicate right path to download
Thank you very much
oops… im download part 2 , but says file is broken!!!!!!
pleasse reupload
Great tut man
Man! Very good your tutorial .. indeed that if … I can congratulate you whenever between in IT GIVES the link or your profile … only you pedire a thing … can you accommodate the video descarble? And tried to unload it often and for the different servants that you facilitate .. but the video disburdens with many mistakes … please..
Again .. congratulations!
your tutorial teach me alot and it help me to create 3d logo in future.. Thank a lot
Would that be ok to post the tutorial as text instead? Bcos i am browsing you tutorial from the country (Burma) that has low internet speed to view the video. Sorry to give u extra work. Thanks.
possibly in the future. Right now I don’t have the time
Nice tutorial.
Your god damn rapidshare upload is BROKEN!
Fix the archive ffs
good tutorial; thank you very much
Wowwwwwwwwwww. Thanks A LOT for this Articles. Its gonna help me alot of thing
I dont have any word to Sayyyy………..
This is probably the best tutorial i’ve ever seen, it’s truly amazing. Thank you a lot
awful quality….
No doubt.. You end the photoshop… in starting i was not believing this could be design in photoshop. i was expecting 3d there. but dude you amaze me in every step.. Really love.. this is one tutorial i never want to lose.. THANKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKS DUDDDDDDE…. no one tell this secret of photoshop. Thanks a tonssssssss. BLESSING n RESPECT
great tutorial,thanks
This is best tutorial, but this isnt in HD quality….
And u can create tutorial for ” Gametheory Logo ” ?:P
everyone is getting over excited.
yeah it may be the best one ive seen on the net but the vid sux.
the guy does not want to share. the other guy that made one the same above with “G” as the letetr HAS ACCESS TO THE TEXT TUT.
DUDE share or stop pissing people off
What are you talking about? The PSD resource is available for download above including all the layers.
Fantastic…. Nice one
Can’t you make the video a little bigger because I can’t see it very well the tools are too small
Try clicking the full-screen button. It should be viewable at that size
Nice work, but the video seems damaged… I downloaded it twice, each time with a different computer, and it ends the same way : after extracting and starting the video, the Windows media Player is saying that a problem was encountered while reading the file.
If you could reupload it, it would be great.
Ohh Tnx You Very Much!
You Can Say me-What The Font you were Created?
Can´t believe you make that nice 3d logo design out of nothing, You have skills mate!!
Excelllll….ent stuff,thank u very much to give a chance to see the best work ever to my eyes.
it’s just awesome
for opened.
Download HJSplit (http://www.hjsplit.org/).
Open HJSplit.
Click “join”.
get all the files in a folder.
Click on “input file”.
Select “3D_Logo_Tutorial_by_Axertion.rar.001″
Click on “start”.
Wait now.
“The K-Lite Codec” used to watch the video (http://www.codecguide.com/download_k-lite_codec_pack_mega.htm)
installing “media player classic” get selected.
video opening for dubleclick
double click for video opening
wish you success
size başarılar dilerim..
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amazing thanks
I dont Use Tutorials for my Work because 90% of All Tutorial Pages have the same “Made in 10 Minutes” Shit, but for my new Project i was searching for new Inspirations, and so i found this Video-Tutorial.
I am REALY impressed of your Work, congratiulation!
Ive ever thinked the most of these professional 3D Produkts are made with 3D Programms, and i never have thought, “these Work is maybe a product of Photoshop”.
But today youve shown me the truth. Youve open my Eyes and show me, what kind of Power Photoshop realy has, if you spend enouth Time.
Realy, thank you for that.
Greetings from germany!
This is a Great Tutorial thanks! I Wish this could be possible with GIMP
I’m sure it’s possible with GIMP, although I’ve never tried
The most perfect & best photoshop 3D logo tutorial I have ever seen! Thanks for sharing m8
Gr8 job!
hey please email me psd file.thank you
We are LogoProDesign as a Creative Logo Designer, We checked your artwork collections. Those are amazed us. Thanks for that type of good work collections. We regularly checked your website for good artwork example.
David Thomas
Dude you spent the first two minutes choosing a font!
Great tutorial btw
All part of the unedited process
I didn’t do anything to the video except add caption tips.
where is the psd man ?
what this font name ?
HI Axertion…this is the best tutorials ..even for the begginers…and expert alike. I have never seen such kind effort made by u….thanx a lots. This is a perfect video tutorials to help people move ahead in life…I really want to follow you…and want to see every tutorials u share..plz kindly let me know ,how can i get maximum benefits from your efforts..thanx in adv.
Your PSD resource iz nt working plz make it possible for us hope you will favour me with an erly reply…
@tahir – psd file is in description.
NO sound dude!!!
When I use the free transform tool my only options are: Scale, Rotate, and Skew. I am not sure what I’m doing wrong that I’m unable to get the rest of the options.
where is the PSD? and why i can download it ? ( the toutrial)
a psd is goneee! great work
The PSD link is dead…please upload ASAP…thanks a lot for your help!
the 3 parts from rapidshare arent working correctly.
when i download all 3 parts, part 2 and 3 are corrupt and empty…
only the first part comtains the video, but it gets an error because
of the missing parts…
it also says it’s the wrong dataformat, cause u put 002 and 003 in the end.
if i change it to .rar it doesn’t work anyway…
can u please fix it or do you have another direct download link?!
Love the TuT. I came close to getting to the look. I couldn’t figure out the shinny look so I added some dodge strokes than gave them a blue to come closer. Whats your website?
i have a problem and is that i dont know how to do it with letter h help please thanx
Absolutely amazing logo and method, simply brilliant!
Have downloaded tutorial but PSD is unavilable by the looks of it.
Any chance of reposting it?
Can you reupload the psd file pls?
YOu still making logos.
very nice video
Hy Axy,
It’s really a wonderful 3D logo tutorial which is also easy to follow as step-by-step, but I am not so familiar with pen tool as you did in this tut, could you please guide me how could I be a master of using pen tool.
Thanks for the stuff my friend.
Hey man. Great tutorial. Only one thing though, would it be possible for you to create one using illustrator? It would be great to be able to see something similar done in vectors so that it can be scaled without loss in resolution.
really nice tut man, you are one of the best designers i know
Can you upload the tutorial again? i have errors in it, and the video on site is with bad quality..
Awesome Collection
Thanks for Sharing
Thanks man
i tryd and dieeedd….
Can anybody design this logo with a “h”?
Replay here pls.
Thx a lot
i just loved this tutorial i’m using some 3d programs to make 3d logos but i will try it by photoshop this time
thanks for share
Great Idea and creativity, the problem though is that you showed to us all of the process, in real time, you should have just time lapsed it. You even showed us how you pick fonts, you did not vectorize everything, you could just converted the text to a shape, you could have resize your brush using ‘[' and ']‘ and many other things that I don’t want to enumerate. It’s just time consuming, but this tutorial is posted around 5 years ago, and I’m sure you’ve improved allot and you already know what i’ve said. And I’m sure that you are better than me. I hope you’ll re create this great tutorial.
Keep it up.
Hi Louie. I agree completely with your criticism, however as you said I made this 5 years ago. The intent was show the entire unedited process, not make a quick and easy tutorial.
Yes I could of cut out a lot of the video and made it shorter, but I chose not too as people can simply skip past the processes they are familiar with. My methods today aren’t the exactly the same as in the video, but the base principles are still true for making the 3D logos.